Chronic Back Pain
Chronic back pain sufferers can endure a life of misery. The constant pain affects not only their ability to move and overall quality of life, but possibly their ability to work and support themselves.
Patients with chronic back pain often develop depression. However, chronic back pain is no longer something a patient must simply “learn to live with.”
The spine care team at Elite Spine & Orthopedics can help ease or manage chronic back pain and help patients feel comfortable once again.
What is Chronic Back Pain?
By definition, chronic back pain lasts three months or longer, after any cause or initial injury resulting in back pain has been treated. Approximately one-fifth of all people diagnosed with low back pain will develop chronic back pain.
Why does sudden – or acute – back pain become chronic? There is no one reason, and patient evaluation is necessary to get to the bottom of it.
Potential Causes of Chronic Back Pain
Chronic back pain may result from damage to the bones, nerves, muscles, or the spinal cord. After the original trauma has healed, the pain remains.
In some patients, the nerves carrying pain signals to the brain are not functioning properly, and the patient perceives pain more intensely. This sensitivity means a light tap may cause excruciating pain.
Diagnosis for Chronic Back Pain
Diagnosing chronic back pain is difficult. Our doctors will perform a physical examination and take your medical history. If necessary, additional tests may be ordered. These may include:
● X-Rays
● CT Scans
● EMGs
● MRIs
● Bone Scans
Blood tests may also reveal an underlying condition affecting the patient and contributing to pain. Even if no cause of the chronic back pain is determined, it is important to rule out possible causes through a complete evaluation.
Treatment and Management of Chronic Back Pain
If an actual cause of chronic back pain is discovered, treatment centers on that origin. If no cause is determined, symptoms are treated and managed. Much depends on how the pain affects your life.
By the time back pain becomes chronic, conservative treatments have generally failed. Doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants in conjunction with pain-relieving medications for relief.
Chronic back pain often prevents patients from getting enough sleep, so sleep aids may be recommended or prescribed as well.
Patients may receive antidepressants, which lift mood and often relieve pain to some degree. Antidepressants are especially effective when the pain is nerve-related.
Anti-seizure medications also help with certain kinds of nerve pain, especially the “shooting” variety. The doctor may prescribe opioids for pain management, which are safe and effective when taken as directed.
Treatments such as radiofrequency ablation target the nerves sending pain signals. It is not a permanent fix, but offers long-term pain relief. When the pain returns, another treatment keeps it at bay again.
Injectable nerve root blocks are another option for pain relief. So are steroid injections in the affected area. Facet joint injections relieve pain if these joints – which assist spinal movement – are involved.
In some cases, a pain pump, surgically implanted in the back, can help manage severe pain. Medication is automatically released by the pump.
Contact a Doctor for Chronic Back Pain
If you are suffering from chronic back pain, contact us today to make an appointment for an examination: (855) 77-SPINE.