Transforaminal Injections (TFESI)

Many patients with debilitating or recurring back or neck pain – or referred pain elsewhere in the body opt to receive transforaminal injections (TFESI) due to the low-risk, quick-acting pain relief and long-lasting effects.

What is a Transforaminal Injection (TFESI)

A transforaminal injection (TFESI) involves injecting a long-acting steroid medicine, along with a local anesthetic, into the so-called sleeve, or epidural space, located just outside the spinal cord canal. This method of treatment for back, neck, and other pain works by reducing inflammation in and around the tissues of the spinal nerve root.

Long-Lasting Effects of TFESI

While a transforaminal injection is not usually a permanent treatment option, the effects can last for several months for some patients, often as many as six months. Many patients experience immediate relief of their pain symptoms due to the anesthetic that is injected. As the anesthetic wears off, the steroid medicine begins to take effect over the next one to three days.

Number of TFESI Injections

Because many patients find that their transforaminal injection lasts for six months, spinal surgeons typically do not recommend more than three injections within a six-month period. If two or three injections have not been effective, additional treatments are not likely recommended.

Is TFESI the Right Solution for Me?

Some patients tend to do better than others when it comes to their response to transforaminal injections, including:

• Patients whose pain has radiated from their back or neck to their arms or legs

• Patients who seek treatment sooner rather than later

• Patients seeking to determine which spinal nerve root is most likely causing the pain

When to Avoid TFESI

Not every patient is going to be an ideal candidate for every treatment option. Still, an experienced spinal surgeon can evaluate a patient’s symptoms and history and determine how to proceed on a case-by-case basis. Certain factors increase the risks for complications and may be contraindicated with transforaminal injections.

For this reason, it is crucial that patients disclose all their relevant health history to their spinal surgeon. This treatment may not be right for

• Patients who have had a prior bad reaction to a steroid medication

• Patients on blood thinners

• Certain diabetic patients, especially if the diabetes is severe or uncontrolled

• Patients with current infections, nerve pain, or severe headaches

Talk to your Doctor about TFESI

Transforaminal injections have helped many patients reclaim their lives from previously debilitating back, neck and spinal pain. Your Elite Spine & Orthopedics physician can review your medical records and health history and determine whether transforaminal injections may be a worthwhile treatment option for you. For a consultation, contact us (855) 77-SPINE. To learn more, see your TFESI Frequently Asked Questions.