Sacroiliac Joint Injection
If you are living with sacroiliac joint pain, your doctor can help properly diagnose and treat your pain. Because sacroiliac joint pain can be similar to several other conditions, it is important to turn to a trusted and experienced physician to ensure your condition is properly diagnosed and treated.
Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain
The sacroiliac joint is located next to the spine and connects the sacrum with the hip on both sides. The joint typically does not move dramatically.
This joint has a critical purpose in the body, helping to support the entire body while a person is standing. There can be several joint problems associated with the sacroiliac joint including joint dysfunction, disease, sacroiliac joint syndrome, strain, and inflammation.
Certain conditions can cause a dull or sharp pain, starting in the sacroiliac joint, and then radiating to the buttocks, thigh, groin, and upper back. A sacroiliac joint injection is frequently used to both diagnose and to treat sacroiliac joint pain. There are numerous causes of sacroiliac joint pain including:
• Ankylosing Spondylitis
• Gout
• Injury
• Walking Patterns
• Pregnancy
Additionally, anatomical factors such as if a person has one leg that is slighter shorter than the other leg can also cause and contribute to sacroiliac joint pain.
Purpose of a Sacroiliac Joint Injection
A sacroiliac joint injection can accurately pinpoint pain and provide critical relief through injecting numbing medications and powerful anti-inflammatories. When a person is experiencing lower back pain, a doctor may order a sacroiliac joint injection. There are two main purposes for a sacroiliac joint injection:
• Diagnosis – A sacroiliac joint injection can be a critical tool in diagnosing sacroiliac joint dysfunction and confirming suspected cases.
• Pain Relief – Doctors use a sacroiliac joint injection to administer a local anesthetic such as lidocaine or bupivacaine, as well as a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation in the joint.
How is a Sacroiliac Joint Injection Performed?
The doctor will begin by numbing the sacroiliac joint with a local anesthetic such as lidocaine.
The doctor will perform the sacroiliac joint injection using fluoroscopy to ensure accuracy. Once the sacroiliac joint is located, the doctor may inject the joint with contrast to further ensure proper needle placement. Then a numbing medication and often anti-inflammatory medications will be injected into the sacroiliac joint.
Effectiveness of Sacroiliac Joint Injections
After a person has undergone a sacroiliac joint injection, they may expect a dramatic decrease in pain. After the medication is administered, a doctor may ask the patient to perform activities that would typically cause pain.
A patient may experience 75-80 percent pain relief while under the effects of the anesthetic. If a person responds to initial testing, a doctor may perform a sacroiliac joint injection several times a year, thereby allowing a person to maintain normal functioning.
Is this Injection Right for Me?
If you are experiencing sacroiliac joint pain, you may want to consider speaking with a doctor about a sacroiliac joint injection. This treatment may provide you with the relief you need to fully live your life without the debilitating pain associated with sacroiliac joint pain. Contact us today to set up a consultation: (855) 77-SPINE.